7 Best Examples of Municipality’s Website Designs

Amsterdam municipal website design

Government Web managers are getting the message: Great municipal websites must be blazing fast and easy to navigate and offer access to information — including financial data, meeting transcripts, e-services and contracting records — not traditionally provided to the public.

Although speed and usability are critical, this last feature — delivering on the promise of transparency by serving data about how government operates and tax money are spent and providing access to various types of e-services — sets this year’s field of government websites apart.

Nowadays, the push for open government and information transparency has had a great influence on the design and features of public-sector websites.

Although this is not a quantitative list — the field is way too broad to accurately measure — the following sites use technology and techniques in ways that bear that out.

The most successful websites have these things in common:

  • They keep in mind that different user types, or personas, will be using the website.
  • They use UX best practices to structure website elements, such as navigation and site flow.
  • They are typically split up by audience type (residents, tourists, businesses, etc.) or by task (such as pay a bill, find a job, or get information on current events).
  • They are not categorized by department. Because visitors are usually not familiar with your organizational structure, they can have a difficult time finding information if the site is organized in this way.
  • They are fairly simple and avoid bombarding visitors with too many choices, images or moving visual elements.

Here is a list of municipal websites that organize information efficiently, follow UX best practices and make effective use of design.


1.Amsterdam, The Netherlands


2.Paris, France


3.Stockholm, Sweden



4.Burgas, Bulgaria


5.London, UK


  1. Madrid, Spain


7.Istanbul, Turkey


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The top 8 cities to live in Europe Check out the infographic now!       Benefits of adopting internet technology in a municipality Learn more from our infographic now!