Better regulation for better governance
Better Regulation improves economic and social welfare prospects, underpins growth and strengthens resilience. It is one thing to have regulation, it is quite another to have good regulation. Better Regulation is about designing policies and laws so that they achieve their objectives in the most efficient and effective way possible. Improving the legal quality of regulations, whether by revising them individually or rebuilding whole sections, can help economic and social performance, as well as governance.
In the wake of worst economic downturn since the Great Depression, the importance of effective regulation has never been as obvious as it is now. Not surprisingly, in developed countries especially those under European Union, the regulatory reform is attracting more and more interest as governments volunteer themselves for review under the OECD’s Regulatory Reform Programme. The aim is to assess individual countries against international best practices and to suggest targeted action for reform. The United States and the Netherlands have recently been reviewed. A report on Japan was published in April, and another on Mexico is due shortly.
Better regulation is a way the European Union is working to ensure better governance within the region and beyond. They map and analyse the core elements which together make up Better Regulation, laying down a framework of what drives effective regulatory policy:
• Strategy and policies |
As the Union reviews performance of member countries, they also provide each country with tailored recommendations on the way forward.
European Union aims to deepen and update understanding of the regulatory management framework in each of the reviewed countries. This will provide a picture not only of where these countries are now, but also how they are evolving.
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