European Democratic Citizenship Awards 2015
European Civic Forum (ECF) is a transnational network that brings together more than 100 associations and Non Government Organisations, NGOs across 27 countries in Europe, that actively working on issues such as citizenship education, defence of Human Rights and the advocacy of Democracy.
This forum has since 2014 been giving awards called European Democratic Citizenship Awards to outstanding initiatives and civil society stakeholders, who bring in a real democratic citizenship with an innovative dimension and with a concrete impact on the life of their communities, be it at the local, regional, national or continental – European level.
The European Democratic Citizenship Awards are aimed at promoting citizens’ engagement and reward outstanding initiatives and civil society stakeholders. The public nominates the recipients of the awards but the selection is made by an international Jury following precise rules of procedure and clear selection criteria.
The award is grouped into four categories of initiatives to illustrate the concept of democratic citizenship. Below are the categories and the essence of giving the awards:
- The “Citizens’ campaign of the year” Award aims at supporting raising-awareness or advocacy campaigns which occurred in 2014, with a strong impact on community’s life or on public decisions;
- The “NGO of the year” Award recompenses organisations which made a significant action towards the promotion of European values;
- The “Personality of the year” Award is given to individuals who had an outstanding contribution to democratic life and to the development of a community or a cause;
- The “Media initiative of the year” Award, rewarding participatory initiatives by, for and with citizens who played an active part in reinforcing participation, relaying information and developing the civic space. A particular attention will be paid to initiatives promoting freedom of expression and freedom of media.
The European Democratic Citizenship Awards are supported by Council of Europe and Co-founded by the Europe for Citizens Programme of the European Union. In line with the activities of the 10th anniversary of European Civic Forum, this year’s edition will take place in October in Strasbourg. Finally, the Awards ceremony will be hosted by the Council of Europe in Strasbourg on 22nd October. Beyond the ceremony, laureates will have the chance to present their initiatives during the World Forum for Democracy, organised in Strasbourg (18-20 November 2015).
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